County Squad Pre-Season


Pre-season preparations are underway for the 2024 season. Chris White has been appointed County Captain and will be working closely with Robert Barnard the new Team Manager. Robert has been busy contacting potential players and arranging several get togethers. As with every season, player availability is key but the signs are looking good.

20 players attended the first get together at Bawburgh Golf Club. Despite the recent monsoon like conditions, they were able to play an 18 hole greensomes matchplay and players also recorded their stableford score.


Simon Clark & Harry Thomas won 3&2 v Jack Cullington & Ed Featherstone

Peter Murphy & Scott Wright lost 4&3 v Sean Rafferty & Matt Strudwick

Ryan Clarke & Adam Simms won 5&4 v Warwick Calasse & Daniel Leggett

Darren Abbs & Josh Weeds lost 2&1 v Josh Chamberlain & Sully Goddard

Callum Rana & Tom Rutherford won 4&3 v Simon Butts & Harry Bradfield

Top points scorers were Simon Clark & Harry Thomas with 40 pts

24 players attended the next practice day which was held at Hunstanton Golf Club.


Chris White & Simon Clark lost 3&2 v Matthew Bacon & George Morris

Peter Murphy & Adam Simms won 3&1 v Harry Bradfield & Mason Bernstein

Josh Chamberlain & Tom Rutherford won 3&2 v Harry Thomas & Carl Green

Ryan Clarke & Matt Strudwick won 4&2 v Darren Abbs & J Lim

Thomas Nudd & Sully Goddard lost 2&1 v Josh Weeds & Sean Rafferty

Daniel Leggett & Brandon Hobley lost 8&7 v Simon Butts & Callum Rana

Top points scorers were Simon Butts & Callum Rana with 42 pts

The final practice day was held at with 20 players in attendance.


Simon Clark & Chris White a/s v Josh Chamberlain & Adam Simms

Peter Murphy & Ryan Clarke won 1up v Callum Rana & Harry Thomas

Sully Goddard & Jonny Lim lost 1down v Sean Rafferty & James Tipling

JBO & Carl Green won 3&2 v Darren Abbs & Matt Strudwick

Harry Bradfield & Josh Weeds lost 4&3 v George Davies & Daniel Leggett

Top points scorers were Simon Clark & Chris White with 39 pts

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